The Picture of Dorian Gray - Book Review

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Book Review

Books like this are why I love classics! It was instantly a new all-time favorite just because the writing style is so beautiful!

The story follows Dorian Gray, a young man of exceptional beauty, who becomes the subject of a portrait painted by artist Basil Hallward. When Dorian meets the cynical Lord Henry Wotton, he is seduced by the philosophy that beauty and sensual pleasure are the only things worth pursuing in life. In a moment of weakness, Dorian wishes that he could remain eternally youthful while the portrait ages instead. To his horror, his wish comes true. While Dorian's outward appearance remains perfect, his portrait reflects every sin, vice, and moral degradation he succumbs to.

What makes this novel truly captivating is Wilde’s exploration of duality. Dorian’s outer beauty hides his inner corruption, and the portrait becomes a symbol of his decaying soul. Wilde masterfully critiques society’s obsession with appearances, using Dorian’s decline to illustrate how superficial values can lead to ruin. The book forces readers to confront uncomfortable questions: Is it worth sacrificing one’s soul for eternal youth and pleasure? What happens when art and life become indistinguishable?
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